Challenge Coin Production Process Guide


Producing a challenge coin is a complex process involving multiple precise steps to ensure the final product is of high quality. Here is a detailed guide to the challenge coin production process:

Good Idea

  • Define the Design: First, you need a creative idea or design concept. This can be a sketch, image, or detailed design file. The design should include both sides of the coin and specify dimensions, shapes, and any special requirements.
  • Client Approval: Once the design is complete, it needs to be approved by the client to ensure all details meet their requirements.

Make the Mold

  • Mold Design: Using the approved design, create a mold design with CAD software.
  • Mold Manufacturing: The mold is usually made of steel and is finely processed using CNC machines. This process can take a few days to weeks depending on the complexity of the design.
  • Mold Testing: After completion, perform an initial test to ensure the mold works correctly and the details are clear.

Die Casting

  • Prepare Materials: Select the appropriate metal material, usually zinc alloy or other suitable alloys.
  • Die Casting Process: Pour molten metal into the mold and use pressure to fill the mold cavity. Once the metal cools and solidifies, remove the initially formed challenge coin.


  • Remove Burrs: Use mechanical or hand tools to remove excess material and burrs produced during die casting.
  • Fine Grinding: Ensure the edges of the coin are smooth and free of burrs, preparing for subsequent processing.


  • Rough Polishing: Initially polish to remove surface irregularities and defects.
  • Fine Polishing: Use finer polishing tools and agents to ensure the surface of the coin is bright and smooth, ready for plating and coloring.


  • Plating Preparation: Clean the surface of the coin to remove grease and oxides.
  • Plating Process: Immerse the coin in a plating solution and apply an electric current to deposit gold, silver, copper, or other metals onto the coin’s surface, forming a uniform plating layer.
  • Post-Plating Treatment: Rinse and dry the plated coin, inspecting the uniformity and adhesion of the plating.


  • Color Preparation: Select appropriate paint or enamel and prepare coloring tools.
  • Manual Coloring: Use fine brushes or other coloring tools to apply colors accurately to specified areas of the coin.
  • Baking and Curing: Place the colored coin in an oven at the appropriate temperature to bake, ensuring the color adheres firmly.

Quality Inspection

  • Comprehensive Inspection: Check every detail of the coin, including dimensions, shape, color, and plating layer, to ensure there are no defects.
  • Functional Testing: If the coin has special functions or requirements, such as magnetic properties or specific weight, conduct corresponding tests.


  • Packaging Preparation: Prepare suitable packaging materials such as plastic bags, foam pads, and boxes.
  • Protective Packaging: Place each coin in individual protective packaging to ensure it is not damaged during transportation.
  • Boxing and Shipping: Pack the protected coins into boxes, label them, and prepare them for shipment to the client.

By following these nine steps, a high-quality challenge coin is produced. Each stage requires strict control to ensure the final product's quality and customer satisfaction.